
Marine Le Pen’s score has

From 1988 to 2022, votes for the far right in Martinique have steadily increased. It went from 1% to 13%. Marine le Pen qualified for the second round and who is running for the highest election for the third time is “perceived differently today”, according to observers. In the north of the island it again achieved its best scores.

13.42% of the votes of the 122,949 votes cast, this is the score that Marine Le Pen achieved in Martinique during the first expected round of the presidential elections, Saturday, April 9, 2022. The candidate of the National Rally (ex Front National) has saw his party’s results steadily increase on the island since 1988.

Evolution of the Le Pen / Presidential Vote

Evolution of the Le Pen vote in Martinique from 1988 to 2022, in the first round of the presidential elections.

©Political data

The qualified candidate for the second round to take on the outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron, again achieved her best scores as in 2017 in the north of the island. Macouba, Basse-Pointe, Lorrain, Gros-Morne and Prêcheur had him flirt with 20% and more to 26%.

No wonder for Charles Bélimont, the candidate’s spokesman. The north has “specially focused” during the 1st round campaign he indicates.

We have greatly stepped up our work on the North because for several years, 2012, 2017, we have found that it is always the North that has given us the most votes. This sector was therefore particularly targeted. Now we go south to campaign. There is a phenomenon of immigration from neighboring islands, but there is another observation: Every time people see the photo of Marine Le Pen when we hand out leaflets in the field, we hear “ah, mi madam ‘ well an!” (ah, here’s our wife) because people think it’s high time to put a woman in the French presidency.

Charles Bélimont, spokesman for Marine Le Pen of the RN

Indeed, political scientist Justin Daniel notes that there is a supporter of Marine Le Pen’s speech, “speech that has become commonplace over time” and not just in Martinique.

There is a significant evolution of the electorate. Sure, there’s a dull rage in overseas societies again, but today we see Marine Le Pen setting milestones for a number of years. She has made a habit of addressing foreign voters directly and I would also like to remind you that she had already managed to get a Member of the European Parliament elected in 2019 in Guadeloupe. there is support for the discourse developed by Marine Le Pen, especially as this discourse has become commonplace over time.

Justin Daniel – Martinican political scientist.

Results 1st round / Presidential / Marine Le Pen

Marine Le Pen’s scores in northern Martinique, in the first round of the 2022 presidential election.

©Political data

According to the poll of the day (Monday, April 11, 2022), published by Ifop-Fiducial, Marine Le Pen gets 47.5% of the vote for the second round against 52.5% for Emmanuel Macron. But these figures do not take into account the transfer of votes and the 12 million abstainers of the 1st round

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