
The country has become a “crime scene”, Zelensky calls for help again

You have the latest events related to the war in Ukraine † 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7.30 pm Who did what? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) went to Boutcha on Wednesday. Ukraine is a “crime scene”, Briton Karim Khan ruled in this city near Kiev, where hundreds of civilian bodies were found at the end of March according to the Ukrainian authorities after the departure of Russian troops.

“We have good reason to believe that crimes under the jurisdiction of the Court are committed Karim Khan told the press, adding that an ICC forensics team was preparing to work in Ukraine “so that we can really separate truth from fiction”.

The sentence

“Yes, I called it a genocide”

This is Joe Biden’s answer to journalists to qualify the situation in the Ukraine invaded by Moscow. “It is becoming increasingly clear that Putin is simply trying to erase the idea that he is a Ukrainian,” the US president added, saying that “the evidence was piling up”. Comments deemed “unacceptable” by the Kremlin.

The number

100† “The bar of 100 sites damaged or completely destroyed in Ukraine will be crossed on Thursday or Friday,” warned Lazare Eloundou Assomo, director of the UNESCO World Heritage Center. Among these sites: historical monuments from the 11th and 12th centuries, churches, cathedrals, with unique liturgical objects, theaters, such as that of Mariupol, and other archive buildings. He recalls that the convention’s “deliberate destruction of sites marked with the blue decal” could be considered a war crime.

The trend of the day

Russian forces continue their offensive to take down Mariupol in southeastern Ukraine on Wednesday. “1,026 Ukrainian soldiers of the 36th Marine Infantry Brigade have voluntarily laid down their weapons and surrendered,” Moscow announced. If some military experts deem his fall inevitable?Ukrainian troops clinging to and resisting the Russians after more than six weeks of fighting, now concentrated in the city’s massive industrial zone, where Ukrainian fighters hide underground

While taking Mariupol would be an important victory for the Russians, as it would allow them to connecting the Donbass region to the CrimeaUkraine’s president once again called on Europe for help. Thus, Volodymyr Zelensky called on Westerners to act more quickly against Russia, believing that “we can stop Russia or lose all of Eastern Europe”. “If Europe wastes time, Russia will use it to expand the war zone to other countries,” he added in a speech to the Estonian parliament.

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