
Plastic pollution: polyethylene, resin… Microparticles found in the lungs of living people

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British researchers claim to have detected microparticles of plastic in the lower parts of the lungs. Scientists have managed to identify 12 types of plastic.

They invite themselves in the oceanson our plate and even in the Pyrenean lakes : Microplastics are everywhere. These plastic particles, invisible to the naked eye, even interfere with our bodies: in a study published on Tuesday, March 29 on the scientific site Science of the total environmentclaims to have detected a team of researchers from Hull (UK) in our lungs.

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They took lung tissue from living people who were about to have surgery. This work shows that 11 of the 13 samples taken from lung tissue contained microplastics of about 0.003 millimeters. The researchers identified twelve different types of microplastics, ranging from polyethylene (found in plastic packaging) to PET in bottles, among other things. The scientists also discovered nylon (from clothing) and resins that form the rubbers of car tires.

Microparticles in the blood

These microparticles were identified in greater amounts in men than in women. But what is surprising is the area in which this plastic pollution was detected: “We did not expect to find the highest number of particles in the lower regions of the lungs, nor particles of the size that we found,” explains Laura Sadofsky, MD. from. in the United Kingdom and co-author of the study, in the columns of the Guardian† This is surprising because the airways are smaller in the lower parts of the lungs and we expected that particles of this size would be filtered out or trapped before reaching this depth.”

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This work follows a Dutch study, published last month, which concluded that the presence microplastics in human blood† “It is scientifically plausible that plastic particles can be transported to organs through the blood system,” the researchers explained at the time. New studies will be carried out to know precisely the risks of the presence of these microparticles in the human body.

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