
Amazon, 1/3 of workers in the United States and 50% of accidents in warehouses.

It’s an AFP article that gives us two impressive numbers about Amazon that we all knew was a giant, but right now anyway!

Amazon employs a third of warehouse workers in the United States, but nearly half of the workplace accidents at these locations occurred at the e-commerce giant in 2021, according to a report published Tuesday by a coalition of unions. .

Workers at Amazon’s logistics centers suffered more than 34,000 “serious injuries” in their workplaces last year, twice as many as those in warehouses, according to the Strategic Organizing Center (SOC), Americans not belonging to the Seattle group.

“After easing some of its disciplinary practices during the early months of the Covid-19 pandemic, Amazon reinstated its control systems and pressure on production by the end of 2020, resulting in a dramatic rise in injuries,” the SOC said. at.

The coalition says it is based on data that Amazon provides to OSHA, the federal agency responsible for the prevention of work-related accidents. The group did not immediately respond to a request from AFP.

Amazon has taken revenge during the pandemic. According to this report, the company has grown from about 700 locations in the United States in 2020 to more than 900 in 2021, and from more than 200,000 employees in 2017 to more than 560,000 in 2021.

Amazon’s growth in the last two years of the pandemic has been phenomenal, and so have investments and personnel.

Jeff Bezos, aware of the social image risk to his company, stated that “we will be the best employer and the safest place to work on the planet,” he had promised, referring specifically to measures already taken or in place. be preparation. commitment to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders associated with repetitive tasks.

Currently, Amazon accounts for 1/3 of all warehouse workers in the United States for 50% of workplace accidents.

This is not a good ratio for the American giant.

Charles SANNAT

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Source: AFP via Orange here

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