
Pro D2 – The Probable Compositions of the 27th Day of Pro D2

The probable starting XV of Bourg-en-Bresse 15. Meliande; 14. Erasmus, 13. Hingano, 12. Doy, 11. Dupont; 10. Poet, 9. Campeggia, 7. Furno, 8. Baradel (cap.), 6. Darlet; 5. Antonescu, 4. Flowers; 3. Harmse, 2. Elijah, 1. Kapanadze.

deputies : 16. Julien, 17. Bordenave, 18. Seuvou, 19. Lyons, 20. Graulle or Faure, 21. Viard, 22. Badet, 23. De Clercq.

Infirmary: Bourg has again lost a pillar in Bayonne due to an injury: left-handed Anthony Martin injured a finger. He joins his companions Quentin Drancourt (rupture of the biceps tendon), Damian Arias (knee) and Franjo Bordewie (tear) in the infirmary. But also Cyril Veyret, Matt Beukeboom (shoulder), Adrien Buatier (ankle, season over), Dimitri Jean-Etienne (malleoli, season over), Théo William (arch of the foot), Titouan Guilon (knee, season over) and Audrey Soubeyrand (knee ). Christiaan Erasmus (finger) is back while Nicolas Faure (ill) and Robin Graulle (hit to the sternum) were uncertain. Finally, TJ Ioane (crutch) resumed collective training.

Nevers’ probable starting XV : 15.Dumas; 14. Camou, 13. Silago, 12. Derrieux, 11. White; 10. Menoret, 9. Manevy; 7. Noah, 8. Fraser, 6. Plataret; 5. Ceyte (cap.), 4. Barjaud; 3. Kharaishvili, 2. Hamel, 1. Curia.

deputies: 16. Beaudaux, 17. Mataradze, 18. Toleafoa, 19. Bastide, 20. Cottin, 21. Reynolds, 22. Bonvalot, 23. Ikahehegi.

Infirmary: the fire of the struggle against Carcassonne has left its mark on the staff; Janick Tarrit, Hugo Fabrègue, Shaun Adendorff, Julien Kazubek and Joris Cazenave joined an infirmary from which Maxence Barjaud, Kevin Noah and Aselo Ikahehegi said goodbye. The USON moves without its two leaders, Frank Bradshaw and Julien Kazubek. On the percussion side, Kevin Noah makes up for the absence of Shaun Adendorff.


The likely starting XV of Carcassonne : 15. Giganet; 14. Dulon, 13. Vaitunuakila, 12. Martocq, 11. Tui; 10. McPhilips, 9. Marked; 7. Huguet, 8. Agaba, 6. Doumenc (cap.); 5. Azar, 4. Van der Merwe; 3. Boyadjis, 2. Sauveterre, 1. Ursache.

deputies: 16. Futeu, 17. Carbou, 18. Joussain, 19. Reynaud, 20. Castant, 21. Anon, 22. Mouchous, 23. Facundo.

Infirmary: the second line, Romain Manchia and Rynard Landman are suspended after the yellow card in Nevers. This double absence leads to the tenure of the right pillar, Aurélien Azar in the second line. Come on Joussain will sit on the couch. Touched on the back in Nevers and replaced during the race, the Guillaume Martocq center will finally keep its place.

Aurillac’s likely starting XV : 15. Neisen; 14. Gogoladze, 13. Niko, 12. Dubourdeau, 11. Yabaki; 10. Aucagne, 9. Alania; 7. Profit, 8. Tison (cap.), 6. Cambon; 5. Javakhia, 4. Rolland; 3. Seyrolles, 2. Nioradze, 1. Gymaël.

deputies: 16. Lachaud, 17. Polit, 18. Motoc, 19. Shvangiradze, 20. Reggiardo, 21. Palm tree, 22. Nelson, 23. Lévêque.

Hospital: To the list of long-term injuries – Rhema Sagote (ankle), Pierre Le Huby (Achilles tendon), Steeve Moukete (knee) and Giorgi Tsutskiridze (knee) – are Adrian Smith (calf) and most recently AJ Coertzen (ischios). Christa Powell is over her ankle problems and is back in training. Aurillac will rotate for this trip to Carcassonne, just to give playtime to those little seen thus far. Be sure to pay attention to the first page for the young Georgian third line Beka Shvangiradze.


Narbonne’s probable starting XV : 15. Gout; 14. P.-H. Ducom, 13. Nueno, 12. Maraku, 11. E. Ducom; 10. Pialot, 9. Chaput; 7. Belzons, 8. Axtens, 6. Madaule (cap.); 5. Sese, 4. Fortune; 3. Cotet, 2. Rocher, 1. Martinez.

deputies: 16. White, 17. Moise, 18. Nouhaillaguet, 19. Caffo, 20. Nova, 21. Robertson, 22. Mias, 23. Loudet.

Sickbay: The whore David, who has been beaten in the ribs, is left alone just like last week. The South African second-line Visser has still not recovered from his torn calf, just like Faleafa (slap in the shoulder). Lebraud is meanwhile unavailable after a serious concussion in Colomiers. Nouhaillaguet, Pierre-Hugo Ducom and Moïse return to the lawn of the Parc des Sports et de l’Amitié.

Grenoble .’s probable starting XV : 15. Capuozzo; 14. Qadiri, 13. Seguret, 12. Ba. Ezcurra, 11. Dupont (cap.); 10. Fortunel, 9. Fe. Ezcurra; 7. Blanc-Mappaz, 8. Martel, 6. Schoeman; 5. Douglas, 4. Lainault; 3. Kaikatsishvili, 2. Camilleri, 1. Zhvania.

deputies: 16. Strippoli, 17. Gauthier, 18. Madeira, 19. Berruyer, 20. Escande, 21. Barthélémy, 22. Farnoux, 23. Taufa.

Infirmary: for this crucial journey, the FCG regrets the many absences on the front line, starting at the Eglaine and Montagne pillars, but especially on the position of whore, since in addition to Gimenez (injured), the staff has to do without the services of Jean – Charles Orioli, whose Achilles tendon must be spared. Add to this the departure on loan for Vannes from Lilian Rossi, and it is finally the young whore of hope Pierre Strippoli who will know his first match magazine as a professional. We also note the returns of Martel (knee) and Berruyer (ankle).

Oyonnax – Agen

Oyonnax’s likely starting XV : 15. Callandret; 14. Reybier, 13. Millet, 12. Lovobalavu, 11. Paris; 10. Soulan, 9. Cassang; 7. Credoz (cap.), 8. Grice, 6. Lebreton, ; 5. Murday, 4. Battye; 3. Laclayat, 2. Geledan, 1. Bordenave.

deputies: 16. Leiataua, 17. Raynaud, 18. Lassalle, 19. Herjean, 20. Hauiti-Parapara, 21. Le Bourhis, 22. Sanday, 23. Berthaud.

Infirmary: Apart from Théo Nanette’s injury after a few minutes of playing during his first match with Oyonnax and that of Sacha Zegueur who has to undergo shoulder surgery, the news from infirmary is pretty good. After Tom Murday’s return to competition, Tommy Raynaud in turn rejoins the group.

The likely starting XV of Agen : 15. Gauban; 14. Joseph, 13. Gailleton, 12. Garrigues, 11. Nalaga; 10. Lagarde (cap.), 9. Bellot; 7. Gerondeau, 8. Nollet, 6. Hocquet; 5. Farrance, 4. Maravat; 3. Chisel, 2. Barka, 1. Duprat.

deputies: 16. Doms, 17. Vanai, 18. Vernet, 19. Bonnet, 20. Idjellidaine, 21. Dayral, 22. Rokoduru, 23. Falatea.

Infirmary: this week was all about Jean-Marcellin Buttin’s return to training. The ex-international, who was injured on the fifth day against Mont-de-Marsan (cruciate ligament rupture), has therefore taken seven months to return to the group. As a full-back, while still on a one-year contract, the former Clermontois will face Mathieu Lamoulie, Loris Tolot and Théo Louvet, this young hope (21 years old) who should soon sign his first professional contract with the SUA.


Rouen’s probable starting XV : 15.Lydon; 14. Surano, 13. Peleseuma, 12. Luatua, 11. Tutagaloa; 10. Wait; 9. Baska; 7. W. N’Diaye, 8. Mapapalangui, 6. Vincent; 5. Kerry, 4. Cazac; 3. H. N’Diaye, 2. Bonnot (cap.), 1. Fournier.

deputies: 16. Lesueur, 17. Asieshvili, 18. Leleu, 19. Fofana, 20. Nicolas, 21. Gontineac, 22. Marty, 23. Clamy-Edroux.

Infirmary: winger Nadir Megdoud blocked his back in training and will not be able to participate in this encounter against
Provence. He will be replaced by Paul Surano on the lawn, and the young Marius Marty, Brive’s former hope, will take his place.
on the bench for his second appearance of the season on a scoresheet.

Provence rugby’s probable starting XV : 15. Selponi; 14. Betham, 13. Bush, 12. Marrou, 11. Bly; 10. Bezy, 9. Bau; 7. Witt, 8. Malet (cap.), 6. Piazzoli; 5. Flanquart, 4. Spiritual; 3. Tagi, 2. Kessler, 1. Away.

deputies: 16. Jammes, 17. Toth, 18. Dufour, 19. Annetta, 20. Tarel, 21. Sau, 22. Massip, 23. lolohea.

Sickbay: The Aix group is almost complete for this trip to Rouen. Apart from prolonged absences, alone
the third line Tyrone Viiga, author of an XXL match against Vannes, will miss this match. Released early last Friday due to concussion, he will be subject to regulatory protocol in force and could be operational again by
Oyonnax or for the last game of the season against
Mont-de-Marsan on May 12.


Vannes’ likely starting XV : 15. Borie; 14. Duplenne, 13. Freitas, 12. Rabut, 11. Gratien; 10. Hilsenbeck, 9. Paige; 7. Gorrissen, 8. J. Edwards (cap.), 6 Picault; 5. Johnson, 4. Marks; 3. Tafili, 2. Leafa, 1. Bordelai.

deputies: 16. Suta, 17 Abraham, 18. Bourgeois, 19. M. Edwards, 20. Burgaud (or holder), 21. Saseras, 22 Dubreuil, 23. Kite.

Infirmary: In addition to a defeat at Provence Rugby, RC Vannes returned with three additional injuries. Bazin (ankle sprain), Abendanon (fibula fracture line, season over) and Leroux (Ischio). The team tonight against Colomiers will unsurprisingly be assembled with the resources at hand. Eleven of the fifteen lined up at the kick-off in Provence have been renewed. The “retouches” concern Borie, Gratien, Johnson and Tafili.

Colomiers’ probable starting XV : 15. Girard; 14. Saurs, 13. Perrin, 12. Campagnaro, 11. Palisson; 10. Javaux, 9. Gori; 7. Ponpon, 8. Dastugue, 6. Coletta (Cap.); 5. Granouillet, 4. Thomas; 3. Palma-Nieuwpoort, 2. Larrieu, 1. Dubois.

deputies: 16. Tartas, 17. Djehi, 18. Ricard, 19. Lescure, 20. Rokoduguni, 21. Seguela, 22. Séguy, 23. Bellemand.

Infirmary: Forced to undergo ankle surgery, Paul Pimienta has already completed his season. Also injured in an ankle, Yann Peysson could return in the coming weeks. Youssef Saaidia, victim of a shoulder shock, is absent for two weeks. For Hikawera Elliot (hamstring injury), it will be a minimum of three weeks, as will Beka Sheklashvili, who suffered the same fate. Hugo Pirlet was released under the protocol of a concussion against Narbonne and will be able to participate in the meeting.

Mont-de-Marsan – Béziers

The likely start XV of Mont-de-Marsan :15. Natuvi; 14. Cabannes (cap.), 13. Wakaya, 12. Even, 11. Sayerse; 10. Laousse-Azpiazu, 9. Doubrère; 7. Banos, 8. Faleafa, 6. Brethous; 5. Cedaro, 4. Garrault; 3. Masharashvili, 2. Latterrade, 1. Innocent.

deputies: 16. Dimcheff, 17. Muzzio, 18. Voss, 19. Wavrin, 20. Coly, 21. Desaubiès, 22. De Nardi23.Laval.

Sickbay: Little by little, Landes’ sickbay is emptying. Apart from the players who have already finished their season, namely Renda, du Plessis, Hézard and Gonzalez, only Loustalot, Goneva, Bento and Lisena will rest, either to complete their recovery or as a precaution. True to its philosophy, the staff continued to perform numerous rotations and some tests in view of the end of the season deadlines, such as Naituvi’s tenure as fullback.

Béziers’ probable starting XV : 15. Malie; 14. Plazy, 13. Swanepoel, 12. Poi, 11. Courtaud; 10. Beauxis, 9. Bisman; 7. Benoy, 8. Koen, 6. Barrere (cap.); 5. Maamry, 4. Bitz; 3. Hagan, 2. Pinto Ferrer, 1. Saldadze.

deputies: 16. Estériola, 17. Fernandes, 18. Eames, 19. Hoarau, 20. Valentine, 21. Latorre, 22. Votu, 23. Zabala.

Infirmary: Espout is still treating his thigh injury, a return is scheduled in 14 days. Akhaladze has shoulder pain and will be rested for this move, while Valentine is lightly touched with the adductors. Goillot has resumed racing, but he shouldn’t be turning the ground back next season. Gayraud and Recor have completed their respective suspension matches, they will sign up for the next Bourg-en-Bresse reception.

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