According to Arcom, two thirds of the illegal sports audience in France has been neutralized in just four months. The current objective is to gain speed and efficiency through new agreements on the automation of procedures.
The fight against illegal streaming is intensifying and the first results are in. On the occasion of a press conference to mark its 100-day anniversary, Arcom announced yesterday the blocking of 250 sports pirate sites since the beginning of the year following the adoption of the new law against online piracy. This represents nearly 63% of the illegal sports audience on the Internet, said the audiovisual and digital communications regulatory agency, born in January of the merger between the CSA and Hadopi.
Efficient, this new legal framework makes it possible to very quickly close sites that distribute illegally paid content from rights holders. Broadcasters now have the right to take urgent legal action. After a decision, Arcom can then call the ISPs to block the identified sites.
“Faced with the economic interests of French professional and amateur sports, the public and judicial authorities have recognized the urgency of providing effective protection for professional football competitions against the severe and repeated attacks to which they are subject.”greeted them on March 24.
But there is still work to be done, Arcom wants to improve efficiency even more.” For us, the next step is to be able to support the various players, both rightholders and ISPs, so that mutual agreements can be made, both to enable automation. procedures (…) to further increase speed and efficiency,” Denis Rapone concluded. The search for agreement also continues on the division of the costs of the blockades between Orange, Free, SFR and Bouygues Telecom.
Source: Zdnet