
Emilien Jacquelin: “I find it annoying that athletes call to vote for a candidate” – Sports Infos – Ski


Last week, several dozen athletes signed a joint platform to call on the French to vote for Emmanuel Macron in the second round of the presidential election.

Emilien Jacquelin, like many, could not really appreciate this position and he explained it clearly on RMC during the GG du sport.

“It bothers me, because I’m really there for athletes to position themselves on important topics, such as social issues.

We talked about world hunger, but there are also plenty of areas where the athlete has to be important. But this is politics, with a call to vote. And that bothers me when I say: ”vote for such a candidate”.

It bothers me compared to some of the French who have chosen Marine Le Pen as their presidential candidate. After each according to his convictions, his life…’

Personally, I think that a top athlete can be part of the ”elite”, even if I don’t like that word. But we are in an idyllic setting, where we still spend the best years of our lives outside of society.

We live something unique and it bothers me that athletes call to vote for a candidate because we don’t live the same life as other French people. Well, I have my ideas, but I respect everyone’s choice.”

The list of athletes calling for Emmanuel Macron. to vote

Clarisse Agbegnenou, judo,

Samir Aït Said, artistic gymnastics,

Valériane Ayayi Vukosavljevic, basketball,

Brahim Asloum, boxing,

Romain Bardet, bicycles,

Cecilia Berder, fencing,

Alain Bernard, swimming,

Marie Bochet, handisport skiing,

Laure Boulleau, football,

Justine Braisaz-Bouchet, biathlete,

Romain Cannone, fencing,

Souleymane Cissokho, boxing,

Elodie Clouvel, modern pentathlon,

Cleopatra Darleux, handball

Isabelle Demongeot, tennis,

Stéphane Diagana, athletics,

Boris Diaw, basketball,

Celine Dumerc, basketball,

Allison Pineau, handball,

Antoine Dupont, rugby,

Gevrise Emane, judo,

Maud Fontenoy, sailing,

Pierre Gasly, motorsport,

Edgar Grospiron, freestyle skiing,

Amandine Henry, football,

Stéphane Houdet, wheelchair tennis,

Muriel Hurtis, athletics,

Michaël Jeremiasz, wheelchair tennis,

Nikola Karabatic, handball,

Raphael Ibanez, rugby,

Jean Le Cam, veil,

Eugenie Le Sommer, football,

Christophe Lemaître, athletics,

Laure Manaudou, swimming,

Blaise Matuidi, football,

Frederic Michalak, rugby,

Estelle Mossely, boxing,

Earvin Ngapeth, volleyball,

Valerie Nicolas, handball,

Yannick Noah, tennis,

Sarah Ourahmoune, boxing,

Jean-Pierre Papin, footballer,

Tony Parker, basketball,

Dimitri Payet, football,

Marie-Jose Pérec, athletics,

Thibaut Pinot, cycling,

Jackson Richardson, handball,

Charles Rozoy, disabled swimming,

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, tennis,

Jessy Tremouliere, rugby,

cameron woki, rugby,

Tony Yoka, boxing.

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