
INFO DEPECHE. Case of Eric Abidal’s transplant: “It’s definitely not my liver that was transplanted to him” reveals his cousin

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The Spanish police investigation into Eric Abidal’s transplant has made it possible to introduce new elements. According to the conclusions of a biological study, the transplanted liver does not belong to a relative. Revelations that perpetuate the mystery surrounding the donor’s true identity.

Ten years after the liver transplant, “the Eric Abidal affair” is experiencing a new twist this Monday, April 4. According to Spanish media, biological research conducted in 2018 by the National Institute of Toxicology kept the mystery surrounding this transplant alive. It shows that no parental link could be established between the former international, who was transplanted in 2012, and his suspected donor. So either the Toulousain Gérard Armand isn’t really Eric Abidal’s cousin, or the transplanted liver isn’t his.

“We have the same grandmother”

However, for Gérard Armand, defended by Me Jocelyn Momasso-Momasso, the parental bond between the ex-defender and him does not suffer from any dispute. Éric and Gérard are first cousins. “My mother is the half-sister of Eric Abidal’s father. So we have the same grandmother. If he had really used my organ, it would be impossible to conclude that we are not from the same family,” just imagine this 40-something.

He now wonders who owns the liver transplanted to Eric Abidal and who used his? “I’ve had a lot of tests to prove that I had my right lobe removed. But if Eric didn’t abuse it, what was the point? Money on my back? This whole affair is incomprehensible,” asks the donor.

Overwhelming wiretaps

Since he agreed to save the ex-Barceloneer’s life, Gérard is not at his first surprise. It all started in 2018. At that time, six years after the major surgery, former FC Barcelona president Sandro Rosell was bugged. And during a phone call, he assured Eric Abidal had profited from an illegally purchased organ. The Spanish judiciary subsequently launched an investigation into organ trafficking. “On tap, he wasn’t talking about my liver but someone else’s. I have nothing to hide. I had surgery to save his life and never asked for anything in return. The conclusions of this study are downright disappointing. We want to I hope my organ has not been sold to anyone else.”

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