
“My biggest regret? That I was pushed out”

the PSG will face Marseille Olympics this Sunday as part of the 32nd day of Ligue 1 (9pm – Prime VideoThe Rouge & Bleu will want to achieve a prestigious success to soften the few disappointments of this season and move closer to a tenth title of champion of France. On the occasion of this poster, the daily The team asked the former Parisian, Marcos Ceara. The right side evoked his best memories under the Paris colors, but also his regret for being “pushed out” by Paris Saint-Germain.

Best player you’ve seen?

Jeremy Menez. He had an amazing technical quality. He was fast, bold, dribbling. But he was not very demanding of himself. Otherwise he would have had a much better career. the same for me Javier Pastor, very talented but too irregular. In Brazil, Alex (Palmeiras, Fenerbahce/ was in the same register. They are great players, but they were not committed, neither in training nor in their goals. It’s a shame.

The best left foot?

It will annoy Jérôme Rothen, but I will answer Nenê (laughs). He’s my buddy and I think he was more decisive too. In 2012, he was the top scorer in the championship with Giroud. It’s nice for a midfielder, isn’t it?

The craziest player?

Souza, he was crazy! He spent his nights playing video games and arrived in the morning with sunken eyes. The boys asked me, “But what does he smoke? Is he on medication? /laughs). There was also (Guillaume) Hoarau: he was the clown on duty, could tell jokes, sing, play guitar…

The most underrated player?

Marco Ceara! I have never exploited my image, never had a press officer, for example. It wasn’t my style. I think it served me in some way. I was focused on the field. I might have deserved more recognition, especially in Brazil, where I had long hoped for a call-up. But there was competition with Cafu, Maicon, Daniel Alves… I was called up by Dunga once (in 2007), but I got injured.

The most Parisian player?

Rothen, he has a bit of the Frenchman’s arrogance. He’s the best, he’s the most stylish (laughs). He is also very patriotic. A pure Parisian! I feel mostly French. I loved the culture, the politeness of the people, their education. On the other hand, French gastronomy failed to convince me. I’m simple, I like rice and beans. I don’t like it when it’s too fancy and elaborate.

Your biggest regret?

To have been pushed out when QSL arrived (in 2011). I was PSG captain and Leonardo had called me to warn me of Ancelotti’s arrival and to tell me he was counting on me for this project. But he was not honest because he wanted to sign Daniel Alves or Maicon. I regret it because I could have contributed to this change of mindset. I was ready, I wanted. I would have made progress playing with more professional, efficient players. I declined a proposal from Saint-Étienne and returned to Brazil (to Cruzeiro, in 2012).

Your most moving goal?

Against Lyon (4-4), on a back pass from Hoarau. It was my daughter’s birthday, February 25, 2012. It was also my last at PSG, I knew I had to pack my bags, so it was quite emotional for me.

“No leaks” spotted this Sunday on the sunken tanker off the coast

“No leaks” spotted this Sunday on the sunken tanker off the coast

We can’t save anyone [Joueur par joueur] – Girondins

We can’t save anyone [Joueur par joueur] – Girondins