
Scottie Scheffler, Masters winner: “This course is so much fun…”

“How do you feel as a Masters winner?
I don’t know what to say to be honest. I’m just really thankful that I’m in this situation. Vous savez, je n’ai jamais osé rêver de me retrouver un jour dans cette salle de presse… La seule chose que j’ai imaginée était probablement cette remontée vers le green du 18. Parce que j’ai vu des gars la to do. The first thing that comes to mind is watching Jordan (Spieth) run with a huge lead (4 shots in 2015)

How do you analyze your win?
I chipped well this week. We did a good job with Ted (his caddy)† I got into positions where I could still hold my own if I wasn’t getting my best shots. Throughout the course, when I took a small lead. I didn’t want to be stressed at the end of the day and didn’t lose focus until we got to the 18th green. I had fun.

“I was good in all areas of my game. My swing may not have been perfect, but despite this I felt like I would never make a bogey.”

How important was the chip on 3 to your win?
I would say the most important thing is that I got the ball in play. The fact that he went into the hole was extraordinary, of course, but my main goal was to make an approach putt. For her it was very special to fit in the hole. But then mating on 4 and 5 was also decisive. Because after that I started to feel comfortable. I was good in all areas of my game. My swing may not have been perfect, but I still felt like I would never make a bogey. It was my goal. I was just trying to get some good shots, and that’s really all I was thinking about.

Did you feel a lot of pressure?
It was very good to lead the way. Nothing is certain on the last nine holes of this course. I’ve heard everything everyone is saying, the tournament doesn’t start until the return on Sunday, anything can happen, a ball in the water at 12 noon, etc. But I shrugged and tried some good golf shots to feed and hit. I really enjoyed the last two days on the course. Outside, on the other hand, it is much more difficult, very stressful. Trying to sleep at night or in the morning is not easy. But once on the track it’s fantastic, so much fun.

“I’ve never been one who likes to look too far into the future. […] Even if I was asked questions like “when are you going to get your first win”, I haven’t thought about it. †

How have you managed this lead?
I think I stayed patient and always had faith in myself. If I had to pick one part of my game that shone the brightest, I’d say it’s probably my lob wedge. Even today I made very good approach putts at the start of the game which allowed me to stay in position.

Eight weeks ago, you scored your first PGA Tour win. Could you imagine such a sequel at the time?
I’ve never been one to look too far into the future. Staying in the present has always worked best for me. Even if I was asked questions like “when are you going to get your first win”, I haven’t thought about it. I did my best to enjoy the moment. That’s what I’ve been doing most of the time today.

Here you are a living member of the Augusta National…
That’s the coolest thing of all. It’s such a fun course to play. I find it hard to believe that I can come back and enjoy it for a lifetime. †

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