
Elden Ring: After Sekiro goes blindfold, a speedrunner grabs the record with a miraculous time

Elden Ring: After Sekiro goes blindfold, a speedrunner grabs the record with a miraculous time
Elden Ring: After Sekiro goes blindfold, a speedrunner grabs the record with a miraculous time

Game News Elden Ring: After Sekiro goes blindfold, a speedrunner grabs the record with a miraculous time

Since the release of the game, the community of speedrunner gamers has been racing to write their name in the legend of FromSoftware’s latest creation. Recently, it was a great connoisseur of productions from the Japanese studio that stood out on Elden Ring to finally take first place with a time that defies understanding.


  • A spectacular performance at Sekiro
  • Records and achievements follow each other without interruption!

A spectacular performance at Sekiro

The name may not ring a bell, but YouTube and Twitch content creator Mitchriz has come to wreak havoc on the war between speedrunners.Elden Ring† This isn’t his first attempt at the FromSoftware gem, but he recently distinguished himself by a walk great from Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice during the Awesome Games Done Quick event that took place in mid-January 2022.

The streamer managed to complete the game while blindfolded, and all in less than two hours! Since then, the player has even managed to improve his time, as evidenced by yet another video on his channel, which mentions a duration of one hour, thirty-three minutes and twenty-one seconds! To take his mind off, the content creator took a lot of interest in Elden Ringenough to win the gold medal and top the overall speedrun rankings of the game from FromSoftware.

Records and achievements follow each other without interruption!

While he appears at the top of the topics discussed on Twitter and that he trusts again fun spots among the most downloaded games on PS5Elden Ring is spoken for much less sober and original reasons. Almost every day a player shinesin his own way, on Elden Ring and we can’t help but share their prowess with you. Today the world speedrun record has just fallen since Mitchriz managed to complete the adventure in no time at all: it took him just twelve minutes and thirty-two seconds to do so!

While a player among many others would need about 50 hours to overcome the demanding one Elden RingSpeedrunners outdo themselves to find the flaws that will save them time. The last I heard was that the previous world record was eighteen minutes and fifty-seven seconds, but thanks to all the techniques and tricks identified since the game’s release, Mitchriz has improved performance by almost 33%.† His prowess is available above and the least we can say is that it is stunning. We are approaching ten minutes, but we still don’t know who will pass this new symbolic bar!

Elden Ring: After Sekiro goes blindfold, a speedrunner grabs the record with a miraculous time

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