
in “Elden Ring”, the extravagant tale of the soup tureen-headed hero

The man with the soup head, half pot, half man.  One called, at the end of his rope, for Malenia's beautiful eyes.

This is the hardest boss in the hardest game right now. malenia, also known as the sword of Miquella, the demigoddess, mightiest of the Empyreans, is a formidable foe that brings cold sweats to all players ofElden Ringreleased on February 25 for PC, Xbox and PlayStation.

Extremely fast, extremely punishing, able to heal itself with every stroke while preventing the player from doing the same, it’s a walking nightmare that Toto, the name we decided to give our brave hero, is almost starting to consider to give up killing, in the light of his 138and failed attempt.

So Toto, certainly proud but exhausted and broken, decides to ask for a little help. That is good, Elden Ring allows this kind of help. Thus, for the most devious passages of the game, “call marks”, undecipherable golden messages left by other players, appear. It is enough to touch one of these signs to call the author to the rescue.

The hero is naked

Toto, resigned, grinds trembling against one of the summons that await him outside Malenia’s lair. A few seconds pass as the bottle floats in the virtual sea on the ocean of the internet… and then, suddenly, a nearly naked man appears in a luminous halo.

Knee to the ground, he slowly unfolds, rises as you would raise an army, his gnarled muscles playing under his skin, scratched from a thousand fights. We think a bit of Schwarzy in terminator, with one difference: our hero has a soup tureen on his head. The soupocephalic nudist looks down at Toto, makes a small bow. His name: Let Me Solo Her (“let me fight for you”, in good French). He said nothing and yet everything has been said: here he throws himself into the arena.

It is a duel to the death that begins. On the one hand, Malenia chains the blows of her oversized blade, which Let Me Solo Her invariably avoids. The Empyrean jumps, soars, spins, misses each of her attacks, while, under Toto’s stunned gaze, Let Me Solo Her spins like a hornet coveting a huge baklava, firing her fine blades at the helpless demigoddess.

When Malenia collapses with a cry and gathers her last strength, Let Me Solo Her, pooch, turns to Toto and sends him a playful hello. But he knows, the battle is not over yet. Malenia is already taking off, spreading putrid wings and now flying over the arena, sprinkling her with a carpet of bombs that explode in so many bundles of deadly petals. But Let Me Solo Her don’t let that fool him: he regains his seriousness and goes on the attack, dodging the ghostly doppelgänger the Empyrean, whose punches rain down on the soup-headed man. Still without the slightest apparent effort, he rolls to one side, takes a step back, leaps forward and plunges his knife into Malenia’s heart one last time.

This time she’s dead. The match lasted ten minutes. As the demigoddess’s fleshly envelope disappears, Let Me Solo Her turns to Toto, takes a final bow, and disappears in turn. His mission here is accomplished. Malenia is no more, and Toto, if he has done little, is victorious.

Jesus and the Ninja Turtles

Like Toto, in recent days, hundreds of players have turned to Let Me Solo Her, a real player who, after more than 200 hours of play, has decided to dedicate himself to helping others. The rumor of his exploits began to run April 12 on the American forum Reddit† A few days later we heard more about him, in the columns of the American specialized media IGN† Like a superhero, the child prodigy doesn’t reveal his true identity, and like a superhero, he has a origin story : This is how we discover that it was after losing almost 250 times to Malenia himself that he decided to memorize all his techniques, each of his attacks and above all to let other players benefit from his knowledge. As for his incongruous looks, he explains it simply: “Why wear armor if you’re not going to get hit at all?” †

After becoming a star on social networks and in particular on Reddit, he has since been the subject of several tributesdrawingscomicspixel artmemesparodies or even figurines

The Summon Mark SystemElden Ring allows you not only to come to the aid of players, but also to provoke others in single combat. In recent weeks, other characters embodied by ordinary gamers have become the stars of duels in Elden Ring† Like the player called “Will Smith”, who is content to calmly walk up to his opponent and slap him before turning around just as calmly.

It has also been possible to encounter for weeks Shrek and Fionafrom the animated movie Dreamworks, ninja turtlesor even a ragged, bearded man named Jesus, who invades the other players’ game… to take them in his arms† As for the burgeoning cult surrounding Let Me Solo Her, it has already led to the emergence of a new one of these figures: Let Her Solo Me, for “let her beat me”. A female player, also in her underwear, decked out in the same soup tureen as her heroic alter ego. She also offers her help to players who want to beat Malenia. The difference : she intentionally commits suicidewithout having dealt the slightest blow, flat in twelve seconds.

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