
Warhammer Odyssey – After multiple attacks, Warhammer Odyssey closes its doors for good

After three weeks of attacks on Warhammer Odyssey, the Virtual Realms studio says it can’t reboot the servers. Consequently, the studio throws in the towel and finally abandons its mobile MMORPG to dedicate itself to another project?


We remember that last month, the Virtual Realms studio admitted be subject to computer attacks : not only did the developer say he was forced to temporarily shut down his two’s servers Warhammer Odyssey time to patch the security flaws in the infrastructure, but the studio also confirmed that the titles’ source code had been stolen.

On March 21, Virtual Realms said it had hired a security consultant to protect its infrastructure and hoped to restart the games after a day or two of patience. Nearly three weeks later, not only are Celtic Heroes and Warhammer Odyssey still not operational, but developer says throw in the towel : Games will not be restarted. The official Warhammer Odyssey site is no longer online and the Discord server has been removed.

Why such ruthlessness from pirates? And why did you give up so quickly? It’s hard to say exactly, but the behavior of Virtual Realms has been the subject of questions from players for several months now.
A rumor suggested that the Virtual Realms teams would be working on a new project, Legends of Elumia, in the form of a play-to-earn MMORPG powered by

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