
LIVE – War in Ukraine: The Russian offensive has begun in the east of the country

The United States and its allies meet this Tuesday

US President Joe Biden will attend a virtual meeting on Tuesday devoted to Russia’s offensive in Ukraine, the White House said, while Kiev assures Moscow has embarked on a new phase of its attack in the Donbass.

The US president will discuss “with the allies and partners” of the United States, the list of which has not been disclosed, “ongoing support for Ukraine and efforts to ensure that Russia is held accountable,” an official from the United States said. White House. †

The UN will debate a draft resolution on Tuesday to justify the use of the veto right

Liechtenstein will gather 193 members of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday to discuss a Washington-backed draft resolution. obliging the five permanent members of the Security Council to justify their invocation of the veto, in other words to strive to make less use of it.

This old idea was revived with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Thanks to its veto power, Moscow paralyzes any action on this Security Council dossier, which must nevertheless intervene as required by its mandate as guarantor of world peace as enshrined in the United Nations Charter.

The Liechtenstein project, which is co-sponsored by some fifty countries, including the United States, but, remarkably, none of the four other permanent members of the Security Council (Russia, China, France and the United Kingdom), should be the subject of of a vote, diplomats said.

The Security Council also has ten non-permanent members, who have no veto power.

Biden doesn’t plan to go to Ukraine, White House says

US President Joe Biden does not plan to go to Ukraine any time soon, despite the wishes of his counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky, the White House said Monday.

“The president is not expected to go there, allow me to repeat,” US executive spokeswoman Jen Psaki said at a news conference.

The US government is considering sending an envoy to Kiev, but the White House has ruled out a risky trip from the president himself for security reasons.

Zelensky announces the start of the Russian offensive in Eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Monday announced the start of the Russian offensive against eastern Ukraine, part of which is in the hands of pro-Russian separatists and where deadly fighting has intensified.

“We can now say that Russian troops have started the battle of Donbass, which they have been preparing for a long time. A very large part of the entire Russian army is now committed to this offensive,” he said in a statement. speech broadcast on Telegram.

>> All details about this offensive can be found in our article.

Bye everyone!

And welcome to this directly dedicated to the follow-up to the war in Ukraine

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On the streets of Kharkov, dazed residents face new bombings

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