
Ukraine: Germany intercepts damning Russian footage on Boutcha

WAR IN UKRANE – New findings on Boutcha’s atrocities. German intelligence services have recorded radio communications that Russian soldiers are talking about abuses committed in Boutchanorthwest of Kiev, where dozens of bodies were discovered, says the German magazine on Thursday, April 7. of the Mirror

The content of certain exchanges matches the photos of corpses found in Boutcha, which woke up a wave of international condemnationsseveral leaders, including German Olaf Scholz who called for “war crimes” committed by the Russians in this place that has been taken over by the Ukrainian troops, according to same source of newspaper

German intelligence (BND) officials have informed deputies about these intercepted conversations, continues of the Mirrorfor whom this data contradicts the version supplied by Moscow that the corpses of civilians found in Boutcha were placed there after Russian forces evacuated the area.

“The soldiers spoke of the atrocities as of their daily lives”

So, in one of the radio messages mentioned by of the mirrorMe, a soldier explains to another that he and his colleagues shot a person on a bicycle. However, the photo of a corpse lying on his bicycle went viral and AFP journalists saw this corpse as well as that of about twenty men dressed in civilian clothes as they crossed one of Boutcha’s longest arteries.

In another radio message, a man says: “First we interrogate the soldiers, then we shoot them.” These reports also confirm that Russian mercenaries from the Wagner group in Ukraine would have contributed to these abuses, the magazine continues.

“The soldiers talked about the atrocities in their daily lives,” he writes, assuring that these executions were not accidentally committed by Russian soldiers acting without a warrant.

These discoveries are not limited to Boutcha. In Motijine, 50 kilometers west of the Ukrainian capital, AFP saw four half-buried bodies in a pit dug in the forest. Among them the mayor of this village, her husband and her missing son.

The German government had estimated on Wednesday that the Russian position that the deaths of the civilians were a scene was “untenable” given the satellite images broadcast. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky called the killings “the worst war crimes” since World War II and “genocide”.

See also on The HuffPost: Van Boutcha denounces Volodymyr Zelensky “genocide”

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