
what to remember from the day of April 13

what to remember from the day of April 13
what to remember from the day of April 13

Russian forces threatened to attack the Ukrainian capital again on Wednesday, April 13, but have returned under Ukrainian control since April 2. Following these threats of reprisals “attempted sabotage and attacks by Ukrainian troops on targets on the territory of the Russian Federation”according to the Russian Defense Ministry. Franceinfo makes an inventory of what you need to remember about this day.

Zelensky finds Macron’s refusal to call the situation ‘genocide’ ‘very hurtful’

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was not pleased with the refusal of his French counterpart, Emmanuel Macron, to “genocide” in Ukraine by the Russian army. “If true, such comments are very hurtful to us”the Ukrainian president said at a news conference on Wednesday.

US pledges new military aid

A denial that goes all the worse than earlier in the day, it was US President Joe Biden who assured that he “It’s becoming clearer that Putin is just trying to erase the idea that he could be a Ukrainian”

In addition to this statement, the head of state also assured on Wednesday that $800 million in aid would be released. “LIt could be heavy equipment that has so far been refused for fear of an escalation with Russia, such as armored vehicles.”according to the daily the worldciting various American media.

For its part, Moscow has banned its territory to 398 members of the United States Congress, in retaliation for a similar action by Washington on March 24

A humanitarian ceasefire impossible according to the UN

The organization’s secretary general, Antonio Guterres, was pessimistic on Wednesday. He hoped for a humanitarian ceasefire in Ukraine, but clarified at a press conference: that the UN was still waiting for responses from Russia to concrete proposals for the evacuation of civilians and guaranteeing the delivery of humanitarian aid to war zones.

Ukraine ‘is a crime scene’, says ICC

Britain’s ICC prosecutor Karim Khan called the country a “crime scene”while visiting Boutcha, near Kiev, where hundreds of civilian bodies were found after the departure of the Russian troops. “This is the first time a prosecutor of the International Court of Justice has traveled to an area where war is taking place”explained on franceinfo the lawyer of the Paris office and specialist in international law, Emmanuel Daoud.

“We are here because we have good reason to believe that crimes under the jurisdiction of the court are being committed”justified Karim Khan “We need to break through the fog of war to get to the truth.”

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Roubaix – Gouvenou and Perque: “Another Paris-Roubaix…”

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