
what to remember from the day of wednesday 6 april

what to remember from the day of wednesday 6 april
what to remember from the day of wednesday 6 april

The United States announced another salvo of sanctions on Wednesday, April 6. “devastating” against Russia, accused of war crimes, while Ukraine has called on the civilian population to evacuate the east of its territory, now a priority target of the Kremlin. This is what you need to remember from the day.

The United States and the European Union are planning another salvo of sanctions against Russia

The new US measures, in response to: “atrocities” committed in Ukraine, ban “brand new investment” in Russia and will impose the strictest possible restrictions on the major Russian banks Sberbank and Alfa Bank, as well as on several major public companies. They also target Vladimir Putin’s daughters.

Maria Vorontsova and Katerina Tikhonova, in their thirties, are also on a new blacklist of EU sanctions investigated by representatives of the Twenty-seven. The European Commission is also proposing to end the purchase of Russian coal and close ports to Russian ships. That sanctions come into effect after publication in the EU Official Gazette.

Joe Biden denounces ‘major war crimes’ in Ukraine

“What is happening is nothing short of major war crimes. The responsible countries must unite to hold those responsible to account.”the US president said at a trade union conference in Washington. He also promised “choking for years” Russia’s economic development.

Residents of Eastern Ukraine urged to evacuate ‘now’

regional authoritiess “call on the population to leave these areas and do everything they can to ensure that the evacuations are carried out in an organized manner”said Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk, quoted by the Ministry of Absorption on Telegram, adding that it must be done “now” on pain of “risk death”. The Russian army could launch a major offensive on Donbass, now the Kremlin’s priority target.

Volodymyr Zelensky Accuses Russia of Blocking Humanitarian Access to Mariupol to Hide the “Thousands” of Victims

In an interview with Turkish television channel Habertürk, posted online by the presidency, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accused Russia of blocking humanitarian access to Mariupol in order to “thousands” casualties in this besieged and still bombed city in southeastern Ukraine.

“I think one of the main reasons we can’t get humanitarian aid in Mariupol is that until everything is ‘cleaned up’ by the Russian soldiers, they are afraid the world will see what’s going on.”he declared.

Vladimir Putin denounces Kiev .’s “crass and cynical provocation”

This is the Russian president’s first reaction to this affair that has sparked international outrage. Russian President Vladimir Putin called on Wednesday “crass and cynical provocation” authorities of the Ukrainian authorities the finding of corpses of civilians in the city of Boutcha, near Kiev, after the withdrawal of troops from Moscow.

Prior to Vladimir Putin, other Russian officials had denied any abuse by Moscow forces in Boutcha, and the Kremlin called it a “forgery” the images of bodies littering the streets of this city, which have been published by the media since last weekend.

NATO head says war could last “months or even years”

According to NATO’s Secretary General, Russian President Vladimir Putin aims to: “check all of Ukraine” and the war will probably last “months or even years”“That is why we must also be prepared for a long journey, both in terms of supporting Ukraine, enforcing sanctions and strengthening our defences.”said Jens Stoltenberg before the start of a meeting of Alliance foreign ministers.

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