
the chilling account of a witness of the fight that preceded the murder

A witness to the fight that preceded the murder of Federico Martin Aramburu, on March 19, told L’Equipe his chilling account. He says he is particularly marked by the violence of Loïk Le Priol, one of the two suspects.

More than two weeks after the tragedy, he says he has repeated the scenario “25,000 times in his head”. This Tuesday, a witness to the fight that preceded the murder of Federico Martin Aramburu delivered to The team the story of the altercation that took place on March 19 between the former rugby player (accompanied by his partner Shaun Hegarty) and the duo Loïk Le Priol-Romain Bouvier, the two men suspected of the crime.

It was shortly before 6 a.m. when he was awakened by screams and insults in the street. Disorders so severe that several neighbors went to their windows to witness the scene that “lasted only a few seconds.”

A violent confrontation. “Aramburu falls to the ground very briefly, this witness says. The intervention of the guys from the bar downstairs is immediate. For a few seconds everyone beats everyone. I have already seen fights, but there what is surreal is the determination of a from the guys (…) I saw Aramburu on the ground and I remember thinking he was a damn good smash and he doesn’t even try to return the punches.” The witness also believes that the two suspects “attacked Aramburu because Hegarty scared them too much” because of his mirrored physique.

“Fighting, I’ve seen some, but this is weird, it’s the first time I felt like it could go on”

“At one point, the two boys (the suspects) were pushed back into the rue de Buci. There I remember seeing a man stopping Le Priol who tried several times to get something out of his pocket! I wanted to scream , I have didn’t do it I said to myself they’re going to think I’m a psycho I told myself it’s a knife at worst Combat I’ve seen a few but there it’s strange it was the first time I felt like it could go on. He (the suspected attacker) seemed so determined. No one seemed to be able to calm him down.”

The witness was not present at the murder of the former rugby player after he closed his window after the clashes. “It looks like everyone is going home. The waiters are cleaning up the bar”, the witness indicates, who goes back to bed. Just after finding his bed, the latter hears the six shots fired at Federico Martin Aramburu, which will cause the Argentine’s death.

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