
‘Stand up for Ukraine’ campaign raises 10.1 billion euros

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On Saturday, April 9, a global donor conference organized by the European Union and Canada was organized in Warsaw to mark the end of the “Stand up for Ukraine” campaign to support displaced persons and refugees from Ukraine. More than 10 billion euros have been collected.

After several days of campaigning on social networks to collect money, in particular from governments and companies, the head of the European executive, Ursula von der Leyen, announced the amount raised at the end of the world donor conference: 10.1 billion euros, of which 1 billion from the European Commission.

A little earlier, the official had sent a statement of support to the Ukrainians, our correspondent in Warsaw reports. Sarah Bakaloglou† † We stand by your side, in this time of war, on the side of the refugees, but above all, once the war is won by Ukraine, when it will be necessary to rebuild the country. So our motto is actually: ‘Slava Ukraini’”, she launched.

Belgium, Slovakia, Sweden, Qatar or even Spain… During the conference video messages were shown from international leaders announcing additional aid to Ukraine. But we must move on, Arina Bilai, a 16-year-old Ukrainian refugee and activist, urged when asked to speak: We should not only be concerned with making structural decisions about how to deal with the effects of war; we must also attack the roots, and this is based on the purchase of Russian fossil fuels. You are feeding this war, Europe is feeding this war!

A call heard by Ursula von der Leyen. † You’re right “, she replied, we must free ourselves from the dependence on Russian fossil fuels. At this conference, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky also called for an embargo on Russian oil and more sanctions.

More than 7 billion euros for refugees

The 10 billion euros in donations collected will first help the approximately 4.3 million Ukrainian refugees who have arrived in Europe, our correspondent in Brussels tells us, Jean-Jacques Hery† More than 7 billion euros will be spent on meeting their immediate needs: providing them with food, shelter and guaranteeing their access to medical care, schools for children and the labor market. This will relieve the frontline countries of welcoming them.

Nearly two billion euros – 1.8 to be exact – is intended to support the seven million displaced persons with financial or in-kind donations: medicines, tents, emergency blankets, made by individuals or companies and which will mainly be transported by the UN and are logistics resources under the coordination of the European Commission.

Government contributions will be paid directly to the Ukrainian authorities, who will then distribute them at the central or local level, depending on local needs. Finally, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is participating in the fundraising with an additional loan of one billion euros.

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