
War in Ukraine live: Nearly 5 million Ukrainian children have fled their country, according to UNICEF

The necessary

  • The leader of the pro-Russian separatists in Donetsk claimed that his troops had entered the port area of Mariupolin southeastern Ukraine, which has been under siege for more than a month.
  • EU foreign ministers have begun discussing a sixth sanctions package against Russia, but consensus is increasingly difficult to find.
  • Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammerthe first European leader to be received by Vladimir Putin since the intervention in Ukraine began, said he was “pessimistic” about the Russian president’s “war logic”.
  • France has decided the expulsion of six Russian spies operating under cover of their embassy in Paris and “whose activities proved to be contrary to (his) national interests”.


The Red Cross continues to collect on site


More than 100 children killed in Ukraine

Ukrainian Attorney General Says Russian Troops Wounded 342 children and killed 183 minors in Ukraine since the start of Russian military operations in the country, according to the newspaper The Kiev independent.


Nokia withdraws from the Russian market

Weeks under pressure, telecom equipment maker Nokia is finally pulling out of the Russian market, CEO Pekka Lundmark told Reuters. “We just don’t see an opportunity to continue under the current conditions in the country,” he said, adding that Nokia would continue to support customers through the carrier’s exit process.


Nine humanitarian corridors opened in Ukraine

Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk said on Tuesday that nine humanitarian corridors have been agreed to evacuate civilians, according to Reuters. One of them includes the besieged city of Mariupol† According to a government statement, five of the nine corridors have been opened in Ukraine’s Lugansk region in the east of the country, which is under heavy bombardment.


In Boutcha “Russians opened fire on starving residents”

When Russian tanks invade the city of Boutcha in late February, Maria, a Ukrainian university student, secretly films. With her grandmother Olena, 94, and her teenage son, they hide in order to survive. Maria and Olena testify with the Parisian today Russian abuses committed during the occupation of the city liberated on April 2.


World trade threatened by war

The war in Ukraine could halve the growth of world trade, according to an analysis by the secretariat of the World Trade Organization (WTO). According to this analysis, the crisis is expected to reduce global GDP growth to 3.1 to 3.7% this year, while world trade growth is expected to be between 2.4% and 3%. In October, the WTO expected an increase of 4.7%.


According to UNICEF. 4.8 million Ukrainian children have fled their country

Nearly 5 million children have fled their homes in the six weeks since the Russian invasion, says UNICEF† The displacement of 4.8 million Ukrainian children out of the 7.5 million in the country in such a short time is “pretty unbelievable,” said Manuel Fontaine, director of emergency programs at UNICEF. “They were forced to leave everything behind: their homes, their schools and often their relatives,” he told the UN Security Council. The agency also says it has counted 142 children who have died since the start of the war, although the number is certainly much higher.


Europe redoubles efforts to emancipate from Russian gas

From LNG terminal projects in Northern Germany, Finland or France to possible new routes via Spain or the Eastern Mediterranean, Europe is working hard to emancipate Russian gas, though the task will take years, experts say. Facing the shutdown of the gas pipeline Nord Stream 2 came from Russia, Germany urgently restarted three projects for the installation of LNG terminals, which until now were considered non-priority. One could be ready before the winter of 2023, the other two not until 2026.


Repeated meetings in the UN Security Council

After the Monday session of UN Security Council on women and children in Ukraine, the body blocked by the Russian veto will hold a meeting on the humanitarian aspect on April 19. The new meeting will “focus on refugees, third-country nationals and human trafficking,” a diplomat said on condition of anonymity. In the morning, Albanian ambassador Ferit Hoxha underlined that he and his partners at the UN would not stop denouncing the invasion of Ukraine, even if Moscow, “with its veto, held this Council hostage, preventing Ukraine’s security.” could guarantee”.


India and the United States struggle to reconcile their positions

Joe Biden and Narendra Modi had a “candid” virtual exchange on Monday, but it didn’t seem to have moved the positions any closer to the war in Ukraine. “It is important that all countries, especially those who influence” the Russian president, “urge him to end the war,” said US diplomacy chief Antony Blinken. “And it is also important that democracies (…) speak with one voice to defend the values ​​we share,” he added.


A chemical attack in Mariupol?

UK seeks to verify information on possible use of chemical weapons by Russian forces in Mariupol, the British Foreign Secretary announced. “Reports indicate that Russian forces may have used chemical agents in an attack on the population of Mariupol. We are urgently working with our partners to verify the information,” said Liz Truss. Any use of such weapons “would represent a brutal escalation in this conflict and we will demand accountability,” she added.


French gendarmes investigate the “war crimes”

The French team, which also consists of two forensic doctors, arrived in Lviv on Monday† It will support the Ukrainian authorities “in the investigation of war crimes committed around Kiev,” the French ambassador to Ukraine announced.


Diplomatic disappointment

Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer. REUTERS/Maxim Shemetov



Ukraine prepares for a Russian attack in the East

“According to our information, the enemy has almost completed its preparations for an attack on the east. The attack will take place very soon,” said Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandre Motouzianik. In Washington, a senior Pentagon official confirmed that Russian forces are strengthening around the Donbass, especially near the strategic city of Izium. “We have seen attempts by the Russians to supply and fortify the Donbass,” the official said.

Russian military pressure on the Donbass will crescendo. AFP



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