
He survives a serious accident thanks to his iPhone, 3% battery and a 3G connection

He survives a serious accident thanks to his iPhone, 3% battery and a 3G connection
He survives a serious accident thanks to his iPhone, 3% battery and a 3G connection

41-year-old snowboarder Tim Blakely thought his death was imminent when he fell into a deep canyon during one of his sessions. Fortunately for him, the man left with his iPhone, which enabled him to contact emergency services thanks to the emergency call function. It came close, as there was only 3% battery left.

You’d think it’s relatively uncommon for an iPhone to save its owner’s life. Strangely enough, there are many such stories, some more unusual than others. We think in particular of this Australian who could have been pierced through the chest by an arrow if his iPhone hadn’t miraculously got in the way† Other times, of course, it’s calling emergency services that the smartphone is most useful. Apple understands this well and has greatly facilitated the checkout, to the point that even a 4-year-old child can save his parents’ life

Tim Blakely, the 41-year-old Briton, has had a hard time. Although he is used to the slopes, this snowboarder unfortunately finds himself at the bottom of a 4.5 meter long canyon in the middle of the Swiss Alps. This is where Tim’s luck comes into play. First, despite the gravity of the situation, Tim is doing relatively well. Indeed, a thin layer of ice prevented it from falling much deeper. Secondly, the snowboarder had the excellent idea to take his smartphone with him during his excursion.

It calls for help with only 3% battery

Then things get complicated. Tim pulls out his phone and realizes he only has 3% battery left. Worse, he only has a 3G connection, which greatly reduces his chances of contacting emergency services. Tempting all, he then uses the iPhone shortcut to call the rescuers. Miracle: he manages to reach a call center. 20 minutes later, the rescuers are already trying to get him out of this mess.

On the same topic: iPhone found in Edinburgh river still works after a year underwater

After a few tens of minutes of effort, Tim is pulled out of the crevasse “relatively unharmed”. The injuries are mainly psychological. Tim explains that the thought of not having a battery or even a phone at all right now keeps him awake. “Seventeen years of snowboarding, most of it solo and off-piste. Never Alone »he decides.

Source: New York Post

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