
The Witcher: CD Projekt explains its choice of Unreal Engine 5 for the new game!

Game News The Witcher: CD Projekt explains its choice of Unreal Engine 5 for the new game!

On March 21, CD Projekt took the stage to announce that development of a new The Witcher game had begun and many positions were open. An announcement expected after the spread of many rumors, and which was accompanied by some interesting information.

First, CD Projekt indicated that this new licensing opus The Witcher will not not developed with RedEngine engine, but Unreal Engine 5† The proprietary engine, which has been used for many years and is currently used for the development of the expansion of Cyberpunk 2077seems to be unable to follow.

The Witcher A New Saga Begins, A Still Very Mysterious Project

The Witcher: CD Projekt explains its choice of Unreal Engine 5 for the new game!

The partnership signed with Epic Games also makes it possible get help with tool developmentand to relieve oneself of the arduous task of internal engine maintenance† Shortly after the announcement, CD Projekt was forced to clarify things stating that the new game The Witcher is not The Witcher 4, in the sense that it will be a new beginning for the franchise. The image accompanying the development announcement supports this statement and shows: a never seen witch medallion rather (except in a fanfiction), and which represents a lynx.

Engine choice explained by two CD Projekt Red . directors

But pending more information about the game, which will not happen for many months or even yearsdid we learn a little more about the reasons that motivated the studio to abandon its motorcycle in favor of the one developed by Epic Games.

Yesterday, ie Tuesday, April 5, Epic officially released the Unreal Engine 5 from the early access phase, an opportunity for many studios who use it to express themselves. Among them is therefore CD Projekt, that is reneged on this choice, in particular through statements from Jason Slama, the game director, and Jakub Knapik, the artistic director.

Last year there was a demo, the medieval setting, where there was a billboard that looked suspiciously like things we’ve done in the past. There’s even a sign that says, “We Want A Monster Slayer.” We thought, “Are they trying to tell us ‘go to Unreal Engine, see how awesome your games can be with it’? Was this whole demo made for that nefarious purpose (your humorous comment from the editor) I don’t know, but it pulled definitely my attention, said the game director.

On the side of the artistic director, in particular responsible for lighting, we focus instead on the tools offered by the Epic engineas well as the overall flexibility of the engine and the experience the industry has gained over the years:

The fact that Unreal is already used by many teams around the world, that there are many perspectives in the design of the tools, helps to have a much more agile tool. † Overall, it’s really really cool technology for prototyping very fast, really beautiful and very realistic environments. (…) It is a toolbox with a lot of functionality and there are already many solutions to make it easy for teams to try new things.

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