
testimonials of massacre in Boutcha and Borodianka increase, Russia denounces a “staged” but provides no proof

testimonials of massacre in Boutcha and Borodianka increase, Russia denounces a “staged” but provides no proof
testimonials of massacre in Boutcha and Borodianka increase, Russia denounces a “staged” but provides no proof
The situation on the map

The context

Hosted live by Jacky Goldberg

  • The Russian army’s withdrawal from the Kiev region reveals a devastated Ukraine and scenes of desolation. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky visited the city Butchaor several dozen bodies of civilians were found after the withdrawal of the Russian troops. There have been denounced “war crimes” will be “recognized as genocide”† According to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, the lifeless bodies of 410 civilians have been found in these areas of the Kiev region, but Russia continues to refuse “categorically” all costs. The situation at Borodyanka (60km west of kiev) would be worse according to her “in terms of casualties. In the village MotyzhynThe bodies of the mayor of the village, her husband, their son and two other men were found on Monday.
  • Ten civilians were killed and at least 46 others injured in shelling on Mykolaivin southern Ukraine, its mayor Oleksandr Senkevich announced on Monday.
  • The United States, Canada and the European Union, having strongly condemned these abuses, have announced that they will strengthen sanctions against Russia† The EU is discussing “emergency” new sanctions against Moscow, notably demanded by France and Germany. The United States will attempt to “delay” of Russia from the UN Human Rights Council, the US ambassador to the United Nations also announced on Monday. The German state will temporary control of the German subsidiary of the Russian giant Gazpromby his “meaning for offer” in energy from Germany.
  • On the ground the situation is: “stretched” in all it part of the Donbass under Ukrainian control, in the eastwhere the authorities “deterioration of the situation”. “The enemy is bombing everywhere”said the governor of the military administration of the Donetsk region, Pavlo Kyrylenko, urging the civilian population to “leave the premises”.
  • The besieged port city Mariupolin the southeast of the country, is destroyed “90%” and “40% of its infrastructure” to be “irreparable”also announced the mayor of the city, Vadym Boïtchenko, on Monday.
  • More than 4.2 million Ukrainians fled their country since the February 24 invasion by Russian President Vladimir Putin, figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) show. The UNHCR registered exactly 4,215,047 Ukrainian refugees on Monday. That is 38,646 more than at the previous position on Sunday. Europe has not seen such a flood of refugees since World War II.

Read all our articles, analyzes and reports on the war in Ukraine

Report. The survivors of Mariupol tell of a month under the hell of the bombs

Story. Tour de France of initiatives in favor of Ukrainian refugees

Actually. War of attrition and conquest of the entire Donbass, axes of the new Russian strategy in Ukraine

Maintenance. “In Russia, crises are no exception, they are the rule”

Chronic. “You cannot leave Ukraine gnawing in the antechamber of the European Union for 15 years”

Stand. “Why are we so afraid of Putin, instead of scaring this man who respects nothing but the balance of power? †

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