
War in Ukraine live: French counter-terrorist prosecutor’s office opens three new investigations into “war crimes”

War in Ukraine live: French counter-terrorist prosecutor’s office opens three new investigations into “war crimes”
War in Ukraine live: French counter-terrorist prosecutor’s office opens three new investigations into “war crimes”

12:45 pm

For or against a Russian gas embargo? The presidential candidates are divided

“Gas of shame” for Hidalgo, Russian gas is essential for France for other candidates. What do all the contenders for the Elysée think? We inventory here.


Ukrainian civilians ‘deliberately attacked’ according to UN

Boutcha’s images “indicate that the victims were deliberately attacked and killed directly,” said Elizabeth Throssell, a spokesperson for the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, who said Tuesday. “extremely disturbing” evidence of a possible war crime† Elizabeth Throssell recalls that international humanitarian law prohibits deliberate attacks on civilians and that if this were the case in Boutcha, the observed attacks could be classified as war crimes. “It’s hard to imagine what the military context would be if someone were lying in the street with a bullet in the head or had their body burned,” she said.


Boucha, a staging?

12:00 o’clock

A nitric acid tank hit by a strike in Roubijné according to the region’s governor

A tank containing citric acid was hit by a Russian attack in Roubijné, in the Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine, according to the governor of the Serhiy Haidai region. According to local media The Kyviv Independent, he is calling on residents not to leave the air raid shelters and to close windows and doors. Nitric acid is dangerous to breathe and corrosive to the skin.


Italy expels 30 Russian diplomats

Italy has decided to expel 30 Russian diplomats on grounds of “national security,” Italian Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio told the Italian news channel in Berlin. RaiNews24.

Italy’s decision follows similar measures taken by Germany and France on Monday and by Denmark on Tuesday morning.


Commission president and head of diplomacy are expected in Kiev “this week”

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will travel to Kiev “this week” with EU Foreign Minister Josep Borrell, her spokesman said.


Moscow accuses Kiev of preparing “staging” of killed civilians

Russia accuses Ukrainian authorities of preparing “staging” of civilians killed by Moscow troops in several cities amid international outcry over the discovery of bodies in the city of Boutcha. “Members of the 72nd Ukrainian Center for Psychological Operations shot a new filmed scene on the evening of April 4 of civilians allegedly killed by violent actions by the Russian army in the village of Moshchun, 23 km northwest of Kiev,” a statement read. spokesman for the Russian Defense Ministry. said Igor Konashenkov.

10:45 am

US satellite images appear to refute the Russian version of the massacre of Boutcha civilians

Satellite images released by US company Maxar Technologies appear to refute Russian claims that the bodies of people in civilian clothes found in the Ukrainian city of Bucha were already there before Russian troops evacuated the scene.

In the images, which date from mid-March, we can distinguish several corpses of civilians lying dead in a Boutcha street or on the side.


Denmark expels 15 Russian diplomats for espionage

“We established that the 15 expelled intelligence agents were carrying out espionage activities on Danish soil,” Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod told the press the day after Russian diplomats were expelled from France and Germany for similar reasons. Jeppe Kofod wants to “send a clear signal to Russia: espionage on Danish soil is unacceptable”.


The bishops of France pray for Ukraine

The Catholic bishops who opened their spring plenary meeting in Lourdes will begin this session “by participating in the painful trials of the war in Ukraine”, with a midday Mass presided by Mgr. Hlib Lonchyna, the representative of the Greek Catholic Church (Byzantine Rite) for France.


Clément Beaune wants to “run out of Russian oil”

“Oil hurts Russia a lot. A “hit” on oil is very important,” French Secretary of State for European Affairs Clément Beaune said this morning RFIA, while a new set of sanctions against Russia is expected. According to Clément Beaune, it could be voted on tomorrow.


ICRC team detained in Ukraine released

The Red Cross announced yesterday that one of its teams, responsible for helping to evacuate civilians from the besieged port city of Mariupol (southeast Ukraine), has been “detained” by police in a nearby place, under Russian control. The team “is now concentrating on continuing humanitarian evacuation operations,” an ICRC spokesman said, adding that the incident demonstrates “the volatility and complexity” of this operation.


Bomb attacks on Kramatorsk, capital held by Kiev in the east

From Monday to Tuesday, several bombings took place on Kramatorsk, a large city controlled in the east by Ukraine and threatened by an offensive by Russian troops.

In particular, according to an AFP journalist, these shots, likely from rockets or long-range missiles, destroyed a school in the city center, next to a police building.

Early in the morning, a smoking crater about ten meters in diameter, partially collapsed, was visible in the schoolyard. Many windows were blown around, but local residents reported no casualties, as the school was apparently empty.

No official report has been communicated.


US wants to suspend Russia from UN Human Rights Council this week

A vote by the UN General Assembly to decide on this post-Boutcha suspension could take place as early as Thursday, according to Washington. Russia responded by describing the move as “incredible” and saying it would not facilitate “peace talks” between the Russians and Ukrainians.


China calls for new talks

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has held talks with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba. “Wars eventually end. The key is how to reflect on the pain, maintain lasting security in Europe and build a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism,” Wang said, according to the ministry.

“China is ready to play a constructive role in this regard from an objective position,” he said.

For his part, Kuleba said he was “grateful” to Wang Yi for his “solidarity with the civilian victims”.


“Let’s beware of images,” Eric Zemmour says of Boutcha

The presidential candidate calls for “prudence” after the discovery of the victims of Boutcha. “Let’s watch out for images. (…) You need to be careful. We need to be sure that these massacres are the work of Russian troops. If so, it’s absolutely infamous, despicable. We remember Timisoara, we remember the war in Iraq, there was a lot of manipulation of images,” he said on France 2. Follow our presidential live on this link.


What reasons may have led the Russians to leave traces of their abuse in Boutcha?


20 Ukrainian refugees arrive in Tokyo on Japanese government plane

Japan, which has typically been very resistant to welcoming refugees, took in 20 Ukrainians.

These people, who were in Poland after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, arrived along with Japanese Foreign Minister Yoshimasa Hayashi who was visiting Warsaw. Japan has received 404 Ukrainians so far.


Warning sirens heard from north to south of the country

Tonight, the warning sirens sounded in Kiev, Odessa or even Kharkov, the country’s second largest city. Residents of the Ukrainian capital who were fleeing the Russian invasion were urged on Monday by Mayor Vitali Klitschko not to return there for “at least a week”, he said Russian bombings could still take place there.


In Peremoha, a Ukrainian city occupied by the Russians

BFMTV collected testimonials from residents of the village of Peremoha. Occupied for three weeks by Russian soldiers, it was partially destroyed.


New sanctions against Russia

The international community agrees to condemn Moscow. US President Joe Biden has said he wants a “war crimes trial” and “additional sanctions” against Russia in response to the events in Boutcha. For its part, the European Union is discussing new sanctions in “emergency” demanded in particular by France and Germany, said EU High Representative Josep Borrell. Our decoding on this topic.


“They were killed in flight”… near Kiev, Boutcha counts his destroyed lives

After the discovery of a large number of corpses in towns on the outskirts of the Ukrainian capital, abandoned by Russian troops, residents denounce “war crimes”. We went to meet them in This article.


“Would you like to negotiate with Hitler?” †


The Russian Ambassador in Paris summoned

“This action is part of a European approach,” explains a press release from the ministry.


Zelensky for the UN Security Council

The Ukrainian president will address the UN Security Council for the first time since his country’s invasion by Russia on Tuesday.

In a video broadcast from Monday to Tuesday, Volodymyr Zelensky confirmed this intervention, which we do not know whether it will be live or delayed. “The time will come when every Russian will learn the whole truth about who killed among their compatriots. Who gave the orders?

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