
War in Ukraine Live: ‘We must arm ourselves for a long battle’, Biden warns

War in Ukraine Live: ‘We must arm ourselves for a long battle’, Biden warns
War in Ukraine Live: ‘We must arm ourselves for a long battle’, Biden warns

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  • The Russian military has announced that it will now concentrate in the east of the country and the “liberation” of Donbass.
  • The mayor of Kiev finally gives up on imposing a new curfew in the Ukrainian capital.
  • At least five were injured in two Russian attacks in Lviv, a relatively unscathed city in western Ukraine.
  • Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky accuses Russia of fueling a nuclear arms race during a speech at the Doha Forum in Qatar.
  • Emmanuel Macron announced that France, Turkey and Greece would conduct “a humanitarian operation” to evacuate Mariupol.


Biden discusses sanctions

“We attacked their economy by stopping imports of Russian products,” explains the United States president, who is pleased that “the ruble has been reduced to nothing”.


“Putin has an imperial project”

Joe Biden, who called the Russian president a “butcher” earlier today, talks about his Russian counterpart. “He has the audacity to want to believe that violence does justice. Vladimir Putin is not interested in negotiations, but only lies,” explains Joe Biden, lamenting that “Russia has chosen war”.


“Long Fight”

“We face a very long battle here,” the president of the United States announces from the beginning about the war in Ukraine, on the 31st day of the Russian invasion. “Ukraine has fought valiantly to defend democratic principles,” said Joe Biden.


Joe Biden speaks from Warsaw

The President of the United States speaks after a two-day visit to Poland.


In Mariupol, Macron’s desired humanitarian operation promises to be complicated

President Emmanuel Macron wants to evacuate all civilians who wish to do so from the besieged city. But his humanitarian operation will depend on the will of Russian troops, complicating steps on the ground. explanation.


Half of Ukrainians ready to fight, opinion polls

According to a survey by a Norwegian research center, nearly half of Ukrainians aged 18 to 55 say they are ready to participate directly in the fight against the Russian invasion. For men, this share rises to around 70%, while it is around 30% for women.


Thousands of protesters in London

The London procession departed from the outskirts of Hyde Park to Trafalgar Square, where a rally in support of the Ukrainian people is planned until late afternoon. The Labor mayor of the British capital Sadiq Khan is one of the personalities who called for this demonstration.


At least five injured in Lviv

At least five people were injured in the attacks on this city in western Ukraine, a regional governor announced, who listed two strikes. They targeted an eastern area of ​​the city, Lychakivsky, without knowing exactly what type of building or infrastructure was affected.


South Ossetia sends soldiers to help Russian army

This self-proclaimed republic that has seceded from Georgia announces it will send soldiers to Ukraine to “help protect Russia”. “Our boys are going to do their military duty, the flag has been raised proudly,” the leader of the self-proclaimed republic Anatoly Bibilov said on Telegram.


Explosions heard in Lviv

According to several journalists who were present in this city in the west of the country, three powerful explosions were heard near the city. A thick black smoke is visible, without the origin being known.


Biden admits doubts about Russian strategy shift

Asked about Russia’s decision to focus its offensive on Donbass, the US president said he was “not sure” that the announcement represented a change in strategy.


Germany tackles the use of the letter ‘Z’

Two major German regions, Bavaria and Lower Saxony, will prosecute anyone who uses the letter “Z” in public, symbolizing support for Russia’s war in Ukraine. “They can expect criminal consequences,” Lower Saxony Interior Minister Boris Pistorius said in a statement.


Cherniguiv is surrounded by the Russians

According to Vladislav Atrochenko, the mayor of this city, 120 km northeast of Kiev, the city is surrounded by Russian troops and it is impossible to evacuate the civilians and injured on a large scale. “The city has been reduced to ashes,” he lamented.


France plans to acquire an additional liquefied gas terminal

A project to install a floating liquefied natural gas (NG) import terminal in the port of Le Havre is currently under study, which will echoes† This infrastructure project aims to reduce dependence on Russian pipeline gas and increase LNG imports by ship from the twenty countries in the world that export it.


Biden calls Putin a ‘butcher’

The President of the United States is visiting Poland for two days to show his solidarity with Warsaw, which has been particularly affected by the Russian invasion. He did this during a meeting with refugees.


The mine detected at the entrance to the Bosphorus has been deactivated

An unmoored mine, which may have drifted from Ukraine to the Bosphorus Strait in Turkey, has been deactivated by the Turkish navy, Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar announced. According to the Turkish private channel NTV, the discovered mine contains 30 kg of explosives and is said to be an old mine of Russian origin.


The mayor of a Ukrainian city, arrested and then released

The Russian army has taken control of the city of Slavoutitch, where the personnel of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, with the mayor being briefly arrested and sparking pro-Ukrainian protests, Ukrainian authorities said. “I have been released, everything is fine, as far as possible under the occupation,” said Yuri Fomichev, mayor of Slavoutitch, whose arrest by the Russians was announced in the morning by the Kiev regional administration.


Article 5 of NATO is “a sacred duty” for the United States

US President Joe Biden reaffirms in Warsaw that Article 5 of the NATO treaty, which states that an attack on one Member State is an attack on all Member States, is a “sacred duty” for the United States. The head of state gave this assurance during his meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda, whose the country fears the aggressiveness of Moscow after the outbreak of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


Kiev mayor withdraws from new curfew

the mayor of Kiev eventually gives up imposing a new 35-hour curfew, which he had announced from Saturday night, to return to a curfew that only applies from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m., as it does every night. The now usual curfew will be applied and “we will be able to move freely in Kiev during the day on Sunday,” said the capital’s mayor, Vitali Klitschko, without giving any explanation for this turnaround.


Misinformation is like a “World War III”

Ukrainian First Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Djaparova compares the use of disinformation during the conflict in Ukraine at the beginning of a “World War III”. Russia has deployed significant resources to convey in the media and on social networks its version of the war, presented as a “special operation” intended to “denazify” Ukraine† “We are entering a third world war, not a conventional conflict, but an information war,” said Emine Djaparova, herself a former journalist, at the Doha Forum in Qatar.


Japan and the United States warn against the use of nuclear weapons

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and US Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel warn Russia against usingNuclear weapons during a visit to Hiroshima, one of the two targets of the American atomic bombs.

Their warning comes because Moscow has refused to rule out the possibility of deploying its nuclear arsenal, assuring that Russia could use it in Ukraine in the event of an “existential threat”.

2:01 pm

Why is Russia losing so many senior officers at the front?


“Total’s economic arguments are inadmissible,” says Hidalgo

Asked about RMCthe socialist presidential candidate Anne Hidalgo judges that “the economic arguments” of TotalEnergie is not leaving Russia were “inadmissible”, promising to do everything possible for the group to comply with this request. “I ask Total once again to leave Russia and understand and accept – because Total’s role is not to get involved in the political debate – to accept, which is the consensus in the international community, as other major groups, including oil companies, have drawn the consequences, to leave Russia,” she adds.


Berlin open to review of European Recovery Fund priorities

The German finance minister said he was open to adjusting the priorities of the in light of the war in Ukraine european recovery plan adopted by the European Union to cope with the Covid crisis. “I am open to a new prioritization of the available funds” within the recovery plan in a context that “has changed”, explains Christian Lindner.


The Russian army says it does not intend to call up reservists

The Russian Defense Ministry assures that it does not intend to call up its reservists to join the fighting in Ukraine, denouncing “false calls” received by Russians that they attribute to Ukraine’s secret services. “The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is not calling and does not intend to call reservists to military stations,” Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said in a statement.

Germany tackles the use of the letter ‘Z’

Germany tackles the use of the letter ‘Z’

“We are a bit surprised to see the failure of the Russian army,” said Didier Castres

“We are a bit surprised to see the failure of the Russian army,” said Didier Castres