
Auchan agrees to stay in Russia despite Zelensky’s appeal

Auchan agrees to stay in Russia despite Zelensky’s appeal
Auchan agrees to stay in Russia despite Zelensky’s appeal

10:24 am: Moscow says it hit “military targets” in Lviv with cruise missiles

Russia on Saturday struck a fuel depot used by Ukrainian troops near Lviv and a factory in the city used to repair anti-aircraft systems, radar stations and tank sights, the Russian Defense Ministry says, which it claims has high-precision cruise missiles. used.

After these strikes, fire broke out in one of the fuel depots in the afternoon. The fire “is under control”, the Ukrainian emergency service reported this Sunday morning on Telegram.

9:20 a.m.: According to Emmanuelle Wargon. 30,000 people from Ukraine arrived in France

“The number of people from Ukraine who have returned to France is estimated to be about 30,000, and of these 30,000, some remain in France and others move on to Spain or Portugal,” housing minister Emmanuelle Wargon told Franceinfo this morning. .

“We welcome about 15,000 people into housing or housing and our goal is to accommodate about 100,000 people as soon as possible,” she adds. Emergency shelters, holiday centers, as well as empty houses are mobilized for these displaced persons, who are “80% women with children”, who want to settle, send their children to school and work.

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9:01 am: Nuclear research organization in Kharkov hit by Russian bombing

Ukraine’s nuclear watchdog said Kharkiv’s nuclear research institute was bombed again by Russia, but the fighting made it impossible to assess damage. The last time this site was hit by Russian strikes, buildings were damaged, but there was no radiation emission. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) estimates that the nuclear materials present at the site will be reduced, limiting the risks of radiation emissions.

7:55 am: Auchan assumes to remain in Russia, a “not easy” decision justified “from a human point of view”

The CEO of Auchan Retail International Yves Claude defended in an interview with sunday newspaper maintaining the group’s activities in Russia, a “not easy” choice because “leaving would be conceivable from an economic point of view, but not from a human point of view”.

Asked by Volodymyr Zelensky before the French parliament on Wednesday about his activity in Russia, where it has been present for twenty years, generates 10% of its world turnover and employs 30,000 people, Auchan nevertheless decided to remain in the country, even if he foresees lose before 2022. Yves Claude adds that he does not want to deprive his employees of their jobs and his customers their daily bread.

7.30 am: Sanctions against Russia can be lifted with peace, says VK

British sanctions imposed on Russia after the invasion of Ukraine could be lifted if Moscow agrees to a full ceasefire and withdraws its troops, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss told the UK on Saturday. Sunday Telegraph

In a lengthy interview, Liz Truss indicated that the Kremlin must also commit to no more aggression against Ukraine, so that sanctions against hundreds of Russian personalities and entities are lifted. Like other Western countries, the UK has imposed sanctions on more than 1,000 Russian or Belarusian individuals and companies in recent weeks, the latest salvo dating back two days.

7.15 am: “What is NATO doing? Is it run by Russia? What are they waiting for? “, Zelensky calls for more weapons

Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky called on NATO, in his latest video published from Saturday to Sunday, to supply more weapons to his country. “We need more weapons. We must protect not only Ukraine, but also the other countries of Eastern Europe, under the threat of Russian invasion. We made that clear in our talks with our US counterparts in Poland,” he said.

“What does NATO do? Is it run by Russia? What are they waiting for? he criticized, before calling for aircraft, tanks, anti-missile defenses and anti-ship armaments. The United States assured Kiev on Saturday that it had “no objection” to the transfer of Polish warplanes to Ukraine.

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7:01 am: Kremlin asks Biden to stay “thoughtful”

While Joe Biden called Vladimir Putin a “butcher” in Warsaw on Saturday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov asked Joe Biden to please remain “vigilant” in the interest of diplomatic relations. According to him, “personal insults like this every time narrow the possibilities for our bilateral relations with the current US administration”.

6:47 am: Biden violently attacks Putin and warns him

The US president violently attacked his Russian counterpart in Warsaw on Saturday, ruling he “couldn’t stay in power” after his invasion of Ukraine, a statement that was immediately muted by the White House. Joe Biden came to show his support for Poland, a country on the eastern flank of the Atlantic Alliance and bordering Ukraine, and described the war in this country as a “strategic failure for Russia”, and warned Moscow authorities, instructing them to not “even though [penser] to advance an inch into NATO territory”.

Prior to his indictment of the Kremlin master early in the evening, House resident Vladimir Putin also had a ” Butcher “ for the crimes he believes have been committed by the Russian army in Ukraine.

>>More details in this article.

Photo: AFP

View from Moscow: “We have returned to the time of Stalin”

A young Muscovite, hostile to the war, talks about the repression that has been falling on the rare discordant voices for three weeks. Without hope, he decided to leave the country.

>> Find his full testimonial by clicking here.


06:46 am: The latest highlights on the front

The city of Lviv, in western Ukraine and so far relatively unscathed from the fighting, suffered two Russian attacks on Saturday afternoon, in which at least five were injured, the governor of the region said. About 120 km northeast of Kiev, the city Chernigiv is surrounded by Russian troops, according to the mayor.

Ukrainian troops have announced they have regained control of the northeastern city of Trostianets. Around Donetsk and Lugansk, Donbass’ two major cities, they claim to have inflicted “significant losses on the Russian invaders”, reporting that three planes were shot down, eight tanks were destroyed and about 170 soldiers were killed on the Russian side. For its part, the Russian Defense Ministry reported a battle for control of two villages near Donetsk.

In the north, the Russian army took control of the city Slavutychwhere the staff of the power plant live Chernobyl† The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Saturday reiterated its concerns about the lack of staff turnover for “almost a week”.

South Ossetia, a self-proclaimed republic that has seceded from Georgia, has also announced it has sent soldiers to Ukraine to “help protect Russia”.

What to remember from Saturday

  • US President Joe Biden said in Poland he was “not sure” that Russia’s announcement to focus its offensive on Donbass marked a change in its strategy in Ukraine.
  • Nearly 3.8 million people have fled Ukraine, mostly to Poland, since the Russian army invaded on February 24, according to the UN, but arrivals have declined significantly since then.
  • Volodymyr Zelensky spoke via videoconference at the Forum in Doha, Qatar, to ask the country to produce more liquefied gas to counter Russian threats to use the energy “for blackmail”. He also accused Russia of encouraging a nuclear arms race.
  • In Kiev, where fighting continues as the Russian military has concentrated its efforts on eastern Ukraine and the Donbass, a curfew had to be imposed from Saturday evening until Monday morning before it was lifted by the mayor. Residents are only allowed to travel without a pass at night from 8 p.m. to 7 a.m.
  • Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu has returned to television screens after a two-week highly commented absence.

6:45 am: Hello everyone, welcome to this live where we will follow the situation surrounding the conflict in Ukraine, this coming Sunday, March 27, on the 32nd day of the Russian invasion.

display of power by the junta that promises to “destroy” the opponents

display of power by the junta that promises to “destroy” the opponents

Chernobyl power station, fighting in the Donbass, strikes in Lviv… the situation update

Chernobyl power station, fighting in the Donbass, strikes in Lviv… the situation update