
Moscow announces ceasefire in Mariupol, Kiev sends 45 buses to evacuate civilians

Moscow announces ceasefire in Mariupol, Kiev sends 45 buses to evacuate civilians
Moscow announces ceasefire in Mariupol, Kiev sends 45 buses to evacuate civilians

Since the invasion of Ukraine, Donald Trump’s line has changed little. at a campaign rally in Georgia, March 26launched the former president: “I am the only president of the XXIand century under whose mandate Russia has not invaded any country. And during my four years in office, China has not invaded Taiwan. But it can happen because [Xi Jinping] don’t respect us. † He then again praised Russian President Vladimir Putin. “The smartest come to the top”he told the crowd. He added that Putin is a… ” big mistake “even if “Looks like a great negotiation”

Two days before the Russian attack, interviewed by a conservative radiohe said that in Putin he had a “genius”† When his interlocutor asks him if he is not afraid “The Biden administration gets involved in the current military conflict in Ukraine”he answers : “Well, I’d rather they send soldiers to our southern border. †

On February 24, a few hours after the invasion began, he stated during a fundraising campaign: at his home in Mar-a-Lagoin Florida : “He invades a country and is only punished in a ridiculous way: it’s pretty smart. †

A few days later, during a speech at the Conservative Political Action ConferenceTrump clarified his position. About Volodymyr Zelensky he said: “He’s a brave man, he perseveres.” ‘The problem is not that Putin is smart, because he is smart’, he continued. For him, Putin decided to invade Ukraine after witnessing the pathetic withdrawal of the United States from Afghanistan. “The problem is that our leaders are stupid…”, he says before praising the quality of his relations with Putin, Xi Jinping or Kim Jong-un. Finally, at the beginning of March, he did not hesitate to compare NATO with a paper tiger

Yet few Republicans follow the line of the former president. Former Vice President Mike Pence said there was no place in the party for those who make it “Putin’s Apology”† South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham went so far as to suggest that Putin should be assassinated.

The “large majority of the Republican Party” both in Congress and across the country, fully supports Ukrainians and urges the president to take these steps faster and be more courageous.”said on March 20 Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, on the show “Face the Nation”. And he called for more guns for Ukrainians, saying that elected officials like Madison Cawthorn, who called Volodymyr Zelensky a mobster, or Marjorie Taylor Greene, who refuses to fund a war Ukraine can’t win, don’t represent the Republican Party’s views. .

In interview aired on tuesday Through the Real America’s Voice media’s “Just the News” program, Donald Trump assures that the wife of a Moscow mayor has given $3.5 million to Hunter Biden and his ” family ““That’s a lot of money. She gave him $3.5 million and I think Putin would have the answer to that. I think he should make it public.”explained the former Republican president.

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