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Climbing for adults and children: benefits and harms

The advantages of climbing for children

If you decide to send your child to an appropriate department, remember that you are not doing this just to redirect their “bubbly” energy. It will help children acquire the skills they will need later in life. For example, the benefits of climbing for a child are as follows:

– Strengthening muscle tissue, posture, motor skills and coordination of movement. Scoliosis is a common problem among students, which can also be treated in this way.

vital rock climbing gym

– Acquisition of useful skills. When climbing in nature and on children’s climbing walls, you learn to choose a route, develop a climbing route logically, deal with fears and make your own decisions. The sport helps to develop determination and responsiveness and also improves thinking skills.

– Communication. By training with other children and communicating with trainers and instructors, you learn to communicate with people in society. The experience of communicating not only with peers but also with older people helps to understand others better, not to be afraid of them, to be open, to support friends and to trust people.

As in any other sport, there is also the possibility of personal and professional development. This already depends on the strength of mind, aspirations and desires, and the degree of ambition of the child.

Possible risks for children

Of course, the word “climbing” for a caring mother at first will not bring anything positive. But children’s climbing walls are a normal workout in the gym, which guarantees the safety of children. Thanks to the safety harness system, children can not fall from artificially simulated rocks.

During the course, the child works with a belayer and has everything under control, because everyone knows how important safety is here and how all the mechanisms work. The most that can happen is bruises and abrasions, which will not cause much damage to health.

Climbing wall or rocks?

For beginners, of course, the climbing room. Natural terrain should be conquered only after “practicing” in the gym. The main advantage of the climbing wall is that it is suitable for both amateurs and athletes. There is no mandatory training, the most important thing is the participation of a professional instructor. Other advantages of a climbing wall are:

– A wide choice of routes.
– Increased guarantee of safety.
– Protection from possible negative natural and climatic conditions (can not be avoided in nature).
– Convenient location and no need to go out of town.

Training requires special shoes, hand magnesium, belay systems, ropes and carabiners, mats and harnesses, and other safety equipment. However, if you do not have such equipment, you can rent it directly in the climbing hall, which is typical of most modern climbing gyms.

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